KCW has instituted a Research Council with a view to developing a research culture, mobilise funding from different agencies, promote innovative research and enhance quality publication with higher H-index. The Council has promoted and motivated the faculty to apply for and receive several research projects from government funding agencies such as DST, DBT, DRDO, ICSSR etc. The outcome of the research has created technological innovative solutions for rural and urban community, created several entrepreneurs and opened up employment opportunities. KCW has successfully completed more than 70 major and minor projects and 12 research projects are currently in progress. The research policy of KCW serves as an overall framework for research activities that may be carried out in this institution.
- To create an enabling environment within the College in order to foster a research culture as well as provide required support through research framework and guidelines.
- To ensure high level of efficient and effective support system to facilitate faculty and researchers in their research activities.
- To create awareness and opportunities in R&D among the students and faculty and to create research culture in every department.
- To undertake research activities and development projects offered by agencies such as UGC, DBT, DST, DRDO, CSIR, AICTE, ICSSR, etc.
- To assist the students to apply funding for conducting research under student project scheme to various funding agencies like TNSCST,DBT etc.
- To assist for applying and getting funds for conducting Seminar/Workshop/FDP from various available funding agencies.
- To work with various departments to establish and develop faculty research priorities on interdisciplinary areas.
- To ensure publications in quality journals, indexed in Scopus/Web of Science and Indian Citation Index with good impact factor.
- To nurture an environment of undertaking socially useful research with potential for commercialization.
- To have interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships nationally and globally.
- To coordinate faculty level workshops and staff development activities on research-related issues.
- To encourage development of activities to attract the best research oriented higher degree students.
- To maintain effective links with government departments, authorities, business, and commerce and industry organizations relevant to the college research activities.
- The RAC/RC meets twice in a year to monitor and identify future research prospects and works out strategy regarding joint research project funded by suitable sponsors.
- The RAC/RC monitors the progress of the registered PhD and MPhil scholars and shall recommend fellowship for the deserving scholars.
- The RAC/RC promotes collaborative interdisciplinary research projects with national institutes and leading universities.
- The RAC/RC helps in establishing peer networks through conference, seminars & mentoring programmes.
- The RAC/RC helps PG students to carry out the part of their research work in different leading institutes and universities.
- The RAC/RC works out strategies to increase the research publication in high impact journals and to undertake consulting assignments.
- The RAC/RC reviews the physical and financial utilization of sanctioned projects and advises the concerned researchers accordingly.
- The RAC/RC conducts quarterly workshops on the ‘Research Metrics’ for scientists to understand the importance of publication and assessment mode.
- The RAC/RC identifies collaborative institutes for future research works based on PSGRKCW research strength.
- The RAC/RC helps in augmenting the research commitments among the faculty and research scholars and arranges research mentors based on their expertise in the research areas.

- To adapt and transfer new technologies to the society for the improvement of rural livelihood through science and technology.
- To develop innovative solutions and methods for environmental conservation/protection and biodiversity.
- To develop and adapt new technologies for water conservation.
- To create novel machine learning algorithms for digital transformation.
- To design, synthesize and characterize novel polymer materials for food & energy related applications.
This code of ethics in research sets forth general principles of ethical conduct while conducting scholarly research. The principles represent the values and mission of PSGRKCW which enforces standards that directs researchers to an ethical course of action. The staff members of the college have commitment to the pursuit of truth; an abiding dedication to the promotion of the public good and a sustained interest in mentoring students and fellow researchers. We accept our duty to uphold the vision-mission of this institution to maintain the ideals of scholarly integrity and academic freedom. We hereby bind ourselves to the strictest measure of integrity and the highest ethical standards to be worthy of the public trust. As a college, we seek to be honest and maintain credibility in the conduct of research. Research should be directed towards active dissemination of knowledge and enhance its validity through rigorous discussion and responsible criticism.
Thus, all faculty, research staff and students should fulfill the responsibilities and obligations stated below:
- Conduct all research activities in accordance with the accepted standards of our code of conduct.
- Ensure the accuracy of all data that the researcher and the collaborators have gathered and used in their research.
- Ensure that only the correct data and research results are published in journals, conferences and reports.
- Avoid misleading statements or declarations and vague assertions that could be subject to misinterpretation. If such misinterpretation is brought to our attention, it is our obligation to immediately issue clarification or rectification.
- Not to plagiarize; cite clearly all sources of information and data those are used in research.
- Give proper acknowledgment and credit to resource/funding sources of our research.
- Maintain transparency in the use and disbursement of resources for your research.
- Ensure that research results are accessible to the public once the research is concluded or as soon as is reasonable.
- Respect the confidentiality of sources by not using or releasing data and information revealed in confidence.
- Take diligent care of the equipments and material sources.
- Discuss among stakeholders (the funding source) the fair distribution of legal ownership of the research or its product.
- Utilize, distribute, or share material resources and equipment in accordance with the conditions set by the college.
- Observe safety practices in all the research activities.
- Ensure that laboratory wastes are properly disposed or treated and our research activities do not result in environmental degradation.
- Report violation of any ethical code to the office or committee that has been duly mandated to evaluate and act on possible violations of research.
Updated on 26 July, 2023. For any clarification, please contact the R&D Cell.
Research that requires the ethical committee approval shall be forwarded to nearby institute’s ethical committee review boards to ensure that a competent and unbiased review and evaluation of all scientific research projects are conducted according to the ethical principles articulated in ICMR Guidelines.