KCW has entered into collaborative partnerships with many globally recognised premier universities and institutions across the world. Here are a few pictorial illustrations:

Oregon State University, USA
Exchange of MoU between Dr Susan Shaw of Oregon State University, USA and Dr N Yesodha Devi, Secretary of KCW. Others from KCW in the picture are Principal, Dr. Nirmala; OIR Director, Prof. Balasubramanian; and, Research Dean, Dr. Krishnaswamy
Swinburne University, Australia
Exchange of MoU document with Swinburne University, Australia for the Sarawak Campus, Malaysia between Prof. Ajay Kapoor, Pro-Chancellor of Swinburne University and Dr. N. Yesodha Devi, Secretary of KCW. Others in the picture include Principal, Dr. Nirmala; GRGSMS Director, Dr. Sadhasivam; and, OIR Director, Prof. Balasubramanian

San Diego State University, USA
Dr. Adela de la Torre, President of San Diego State University speaking at the SDSU-GRG collaborative partnership dinner at San Diego in 2019. Looking on are Mr. G. Rangaswamy, Managing Trustee and Mrs. Nandini Rangaswamy, Founder Trustee of GRG Trust.
Cetys Universidad, Mexico
Exchange of MoU document with Cetys Universidad, Mexico between Dr. Scott Venezia, Director of Cetys Universidad and Prof. S. Balasubramanian, Director – OIR, KCW. Others in the picture are Dr. P. Sadhasivam, Director and Dr. B. Sripirabaa, Professor, GRGSMS.

University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Exchange of MoU with University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (UDSM) between Prof. William Anangisye, Vice Chancellor of UDSM and Mr. G. Rangaswamy, Managing Trustee of GRG Trust. Others from KCW in the picture include Chairperson, Dr. R. Nandini; Secretary, Dr. N. Yesodha Devi; and OIR Director, Prof. Balasubramanian.
Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Signing of the MoU with University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia by Dr. Daing Mohd Nasir Bin Daing Ibrahim, Vice chancellor of UMP and Dr. R. Nandini, Founder Trustee of GRG Trust. Director of GRGSMS, Dr. Sadhasivam in also in the picture.

Nottingham Trent University, UK
The MoU with NTU, UK was signed in 2018. As a part of the MoU, our students visit NTU for study abroad programmes and to pursue higher studies. Picture shows KCW students with Mr Liaqat Ali, the Worshipful Mayor of Nottingham
Binghamton University, USA
Exchange of the MoU with Binghamton University, New York, USA. In the picture are (from L to R) Dean Srihari Krishnaswamy, Provost Donald Hall, and President Harvey Stenger of Binghamton University; Chairperson Nandini Rangaswamy and Director Prof Balasubramanian of GRG.