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Best Women's Arts And Science College



KCW has been recommended a grant of Rs.57 lakhs by DST FIST, New Delhi, under PG Colleges (Level A) aiming towards augmentation of infrastructure and research facilities. The fund supports modernization of laboratories through acquisition of sophisticated equipment, activities pertaining to Industrial and Research Development/Scientific Social Responsibilities. In view of this, two high-end research equipment, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (Agilent Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) and Nano Particle Track Analyser, (Horiba India Pvt. Ltd.). These facilities will immensely benefit Masters and Research Scholars, via organizing workshops, awareness programmes, facilitating high end research in new and emerging areas of PG Science Departments of the institution. In addition, FIST support aids extension of equipment utility service to industries through analysis of samples. Inclusive assistance by DST FIST will proliferate the premier status of KCW to cutting-edge level of competency.

Annual Report

Strengthening of Post Graduate Science Departments to Elevate from Basic Research to Interdisciplinary Research


CURIE - Consolidation of University Research for Innovation & Excellence in Women Universities- Support for Women PG Colleges is an initiative of the Department of Science & Technology, (DST) under WISE-KIRAN division, to encourage STEM education and research in Women’s Post Graduation Colleges of the country.

KCW has been granted the prestigious DST CURIE-PG 2023 grant for a period of three years. The eight participating Post graduation Science departments including Departments of Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science and Data Analytics will benefit from the grant. The grant will help to further strengthen our existing science infrastructure and networking, to cater to the benefit of Academia and enhance interdisciplinary Research and industry-academia relationship.

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