PSGR Krishnammal College for Women launched the Centre for Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship Development (CIIED) in August 2020 to bring together all the entrepreneurship related activities of the institution under one umbrella. The institution has been a pioneer in empowering women to become changemakers in various walks of life, including in business. The growing number of alumnae entrepreneurs bears testimony to the role the institution has played in grooming its students with the relevant knowledge, skills and competencies to succeed in their chosen fields of business. The objective of CIIED is to nurture the entrepreneurial talent among the students and women in the community by providing them with entrepreneurship awareness, education, training, mentoring and other support. The vision of CIIED is to create confident and successful women entrepreneurs who will become contributing members of the society and thereby play significant role in nation building.

Dr N Yesodha Devi, Secretary, KCW | President |
Dr N Priyadharsini, Director, CIIED, KCW | Secretary |
Mr S Dinesh Kumar, Associate Vice President, Startup TN, Chennai | Member |
Mr Pradeep Yuvaraj, Global Lead – Outreach & PR, TiE University; Managing Director, Prezantim Creative Services India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore | Member |
Dr Radhika Meenakshi Sankar, Founder, Wise Owl Consulting | Member |
Mr Rajkumar, Lead Banker – Canara Bank, Coimbatore | Member |
Ms Rama Rajasekaran, President, FICCI FLO, Coimbatore | Member |
Ms Sangeetha Chetan, CEO, Zaveri Bros, Immediate Past President – FICCI FLO, Coimbatore | Member |
Dr Suresh Kumar, Executive Director, PSG STEP, Coimbatore | Member |
Prof S Balasubramanian, Director, GRGCAS | Member |
Dr P B Harathi, Principal, KCW | Member |
Dr P Sadhasivam, Director, GRGSMS | Member |
The main objective of Entrepreneurship Development Cell is to sensitize students on the importance of entrepreneurship as a career choice and provide effective platforms for them to explore, learn and practice entrepreneurship. The ED Cell conducts various programmes such as Awareness Camps, Faculty Development Programmes, Idea Hackathons, Business Plan Contests and E Talks that serve as entrepreneurial interventions. The ED Cell provides guidance and mentoring support to students planning to pursue the path of entrepreneurship and coordinate with various nodal and support agencies for the purpose.
Faculty Coordinators
- Dr L Nithya, Assistant Professor, Dept of Commerce
- Dr R Prabhusankar, Professor, GRGSMS
- Dr V Bhuvaneswari, Associate Professor, Dept of Biotechnology
- Mrs S Ponmalar, Assistant Professor, Dept of Computer Science
- Mrs Yamunadevi, Assistant Professor, Dept of CDF
- Ms R Rohini, Assistant Professor, Dept of English
The Incubation and Startup wing of CIIED facilitates the launch of startups by aspiring students and young women in the community through pre-incubation and incubation support, mentoring and infrastructural support in various thrust areas. The activities also involve coordination with various support agencies including VCs and Angel Investors.
Faculty Coordinators
- Dr P Charumathi, Assistant Professor, Dept of Zoology
- Dr R Prabhusankar, Professor, GRGSMS
- Dr D Vijayalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Dept of Commerce
- Dr. S. Krishnaveni,Assistant Professor, Dept of Data Analytics
This wing provides platforms for interested students to practice entrepreneurship through the establishment of campus ventures. Every year, students are encouraged to submit their campus venture ideas. The selected teams are given all the necessary infrastructural arrangements, training, mentoring and advisory support to work inside the campus as student entrepreneurs and thereby get exposed to the nuances of business management.
Faculty Coordinators
- Dr G Indrani, Assistant Professor, Dept of Commerce
- Dr. R. PrabhuSankar, Associate Professor, GRGSMS
- Dr R Yamuna, Assistant Professor, Dept of Zoology
PSGRKCW established Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) under the aegis of MHRD in November 2018 and received the first golden star awarded by MHRD. Several programmes are conducted by IIC to promote entrepreneurship in the campus. Students with innovative projects are encouraged, mentored, and provided with internships. Product Expos are organized to showcase the invented prototype models of student innovators. Idea contests and hackathons serve as platforms to spot talents, mentor and train them to enable venture creation.